
9:00 AM

In my photography class this year, we were required to choose a theme that we would thread through our projects for the entire semester. Having been a lover of creating series of images that flowed together, I decided to choose diptychs as my theme. In ancient art, diptychs were a style of painting which was illustrated on two pieces of wood fastened by a hinge. In photography, diptychs are 2 photos paired in order to compliment each other.
Here are some of my favorite pieces from the class this year!

gloom - digital

emma//hands - film

reflections (emma) - film

headlights - digital

kendall - digital

lenses - film

ma//hand - film

metal - film

pine (sarah) - digital

roses (sarah) - film

sarah - digital

sarah//weisman - cyanotype

warped (sarah) - film

smoke - digital

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